When it comes to acrylic painting, there's no denying the versatility and vibrant hues that acrylic wall paint and distemper paint offer. Whether you're an aspiring artist or an experienced painter, you're likely familiar with the allure of acrylics. However, one common challenge artists face is the relatively quick drying time of acrylic paints. Fortunately, there are techniques and products available, such as those from Kamdhenu Paints, that can help you unlock the secret to speeding up acrylic paint drying while maintaining stunning artistry.

Understanding Acrylic Paint Drying

Acrylic paints are known for their fast drying time compared to other mediums like oil paints. While this rapid drying time can be advantageous for some artists, it can also pose challenges, especially for those who prefer a more extended working time or intricate detailing in their artwork. To overcome this obstacle, you need to explore methods and tools that allow you to extend the drying time and create your masterpiece without the rush.

The Importance of Proper Priming

One effective way to slow down the drying process of acrylic wall paint or distemper paint is to use proper priming techniques. A high-quality primer not only enhances the adhesion of your paint but can also extend the open working time. Kamdhenu Paints offers a range of primers that are ideal for preparing surfaces for acrylic painting. By applying a suitable primer, you can ensure that your paint adheres better and dries more gradually, giving you greater control over your artistic process.

Retarders: Your Drying Time Ally

If you're looking to prolong the drying time of your acrylic paints, consider using retarders. Retarders are additives specifically designed to slow down the drying time of acrylic paints. These additives are compatible with most acrylic paints and can be mixed directly into your paint or applied to your palette.

When working with acrylic wall paint or distemper paint, adding a retarder can be a game-changer. It allows you to blend colors more smoothly, work on larger surfaces without worrying about premature drying, and achieve intricate details with ease. Kamdhenu Paints offers retarders that are compatible with their acrylic paint products, ensuring that you can achieve the desired results without compromising on quality.

The Versatility of Acrylic Extenders

Acrylic extenders are another valuable tool in your arsenal for controlling drying time. These extenders are similar to retarders but offer additional benefits. They not only slow down the drying process but also maintain the integrity of your paint's color and consistency.

When using acrylic wall paint or distemper paint, it's crucial to preserve the richness and vibrancy of your chosen shades. Kamdhenu Paints' acrylic extenders are formulated to work seamlessly with their acrylic paints, ensuring that you can create stunning artistry without compromising on color quality or texture.

Palette Wetting Spray: A Handy Solution

For artists who prefer to work on a palette, a palette wetting spray can be a handy solution. These sprays are designed to keep your acrylic paints moist and workable on the palette for an extended period. By misting your palette with a palette wetting spray, you can prevent your paints from drying out too quickly, allowing you to blend and mix colors with ease.

Blending and Layering: Mastering the Techniques

Once you've extended the drying time of your acrylic wall paint or distemper paint, it's time to delve into the techniques that can elevate your artwork. Blending and layering are two fundamental techniques that benefit from extended drying times.

Blending: With acrylics, blending colors on the canvas can be a delightful experience. Slow-drying paints give you more time to create seamless transitions between colors. Whether you're working on a landscape, portrait, or abstract piece, the ability to blend colors gradually can result in stunning, lifelike effects.

Layering: Layering is another technique that becomes more manageable with extended drying times. By allowing each layer to dry partially before adding the next, you can build depth and dimension in your artwork. This technique is particularly useful for achieving complex textures and intricate details in your paintings.

Finding the Right Balance

While extending the drying time of acrylic paints is advantageous, finding the right balance is essential. It's crucial to strike a balance between working time and drying time, as excessive use of extenders or retarders can alter the paint's properties or cause issues with adhesion.

Experimentation is key to finding the perfect balance for your artistic style and preferences. Kamdhenu Paints provides a range of acrylic products and additives that allow you to fine-tune your painting process, ensuring that you achieve stunning artistry while maintaining control over drying times.


Acrylic wall paint and distemper paint offer artists a world of creative possibilities, but their quick drying time can pose challenges. By understanding the drying process and utilizing techniques and products like retarders, extenders, and proper priming, you can unlock the secret to speeding up acrylic paint drying while maintaining stunning artistry.

Kamdhenu Paints, a trusted name in the paint industry, provides a range of high-quality acrylic paints and additives that can enhance your painting experience. Whether you're a professional artist or a passionate hobbyist, Kamdhenu Paints has the tools and expertise to help you achieve your artistic vision while ensuring your acrylic paints perform at their best.